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Recent Creative Writing Classes

In 2023, I offered two free classes funded by grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council.

The Art of Persistence: How to Keep Focus When Working on Big Projects

Saturday, Nov 4, 2023 (25 minute webinar)

Even at the top of our game, things beyond our control can (and usually will) get in the way of our creative projects. This is especially true when working on a large scale. How do we adapt our habits and mindsets so that we can maintain momentum in the midst of expansive works?

In this interactive webinar, I’ll offer strategies to bolster persistence and self-compassion for creatives in the midst of big projects. Open to artists in all mediums, though examples will focus on writing.

Closed captions will be available during the session. Following the webinar, all registrants will receive a replay recording and slides. 

Sharing Your Words: Resources for Writers Who Want to Go Public

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 (25 minute webinar)

Ready to tell a story? Looking to have your words go beyond your own page or screen? In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss a smorgasbord of traditional, less-traditional, and overlooked ways to share your work. I’ll share curated resources for getting your work out there and best practices for making sure your work is ready to go public. 

Note: Some resources shared will be Pacific NW-focused but writers are welcome from all disciplines and geographic locations.This workshop will not cover getting an agent or querying.